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Gigi – Gigi Murfitt Writer. Speaker. Mentor Fri, 23 Dec 2022 21:34:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gigi – Gigi Murfitt 32 32 Schools Out for the Summer! Sat, 25 May 2019 02:49:50 +0000

I am not an Alice Cooper fan but the lyrics from his song ring true for me today. I ended my first full year as an English teacher today. It has been a great year where I saw God open doors and show me the way to a new adventure.

God opened the door for me to finish my Master’s degree by doing my student teaching half time and working half time at the same school. I taught English 12, Yearbook, Write the Novel, Reader’s Choice, Street Law, Economics and Personal Finance. Whew. What a learning experience!

Last night’s graduation was such an incredible blessing as the students who were in my classes hugged all of the teachers as they walked down the line shortly after getting their diploma. I’m so proud of each one because they worked hard to finish strong. Some of them

Even amongst the struggles of our community this year, these amazing young people put one foot in front of the other and kept moving. I know they will be world changers and it is such a blessing for me to have had them in my life.

I look forward to the next group of students who will cross my path. I will work with the 9th graders next year and I’m excited about these young minds coming to learn English from this “old” lady. I’ll also teach a goal setting class so I’ll have all grades in that class. It is an incredible pleasure to take my years of experience in business and life and share it with these moldable young people. It isn’t easy. But I think it is so worth it.

This is the first summer I’m not doing my Master’s program and I’m excited to have some soul searching time in my garden. I hope you are looking forward to some time with God and family this summer.

I’m glad to finally have more time to write here on my blog and in my journal. I look forward to a summer of writing. Let’s keep in touch!

Lyrics for Schools Out for the Summer!

Well we got no choice
All the girls and boys
Makin’ all that noise
‘Cause they found new toys

Well we can’t salute ya can’t find a flag
If that don’t suit ya that’s a drag
School’s out for summer
School’s out forever
School’s been blown to pieces

No more pencils no more books
No more teacher’s dirty looks yeah
Well we got no class
And we got no principals
And we got no innocence
We can’t even think of a word that rhymes

School’s out for summer
School’s out forever
My school’s been blown to pieces

No more pencils no more books
No more teacher’s dirty looks
Out for summer
Out till fall

We might not come back at all
School’s out forever
School’s out for summer
School’s out with fever
School’s out completely

Songwriters: ALICE COOPER / MICHAEL BRUCE / Dennis Dunaway / Glen Buxton / Neil SmithSchool’s Out (1986/Live In Detroit) lyrics © Ezra Music, Third Palm Music, Alive Enterprises, BMG GOLD SONGS OBO SIX PALMS MUSIC

I Did It! Sun, 27 Jan 2019 05:20:34 +0000 It has been a very long time since I wrote a blog post. I’m happy to say that I have a bit more time because on December 12, 2018, I finished my Master’s Degree in Secondary Education from Grand Canyon University. I did it!

I am a forever learner and I thoroughly enjoyed being back in school. Although it was an online class, it still felt good to be reading books, writing papers, and participating in class discussions.

I learned a great deal and I’m slowly trying to implement what I learned into my classroom. Now that student teaching is over, I’ve taken on two more classes of my own. I teach Economics/Personal Finance and Street Law in addition to Yearbook, Reader’s Choice, and English 12. FIVE PREPS! Am I crazy? Perhaps.

But I thoroughly enjoy teaching and feel I am participating in what God has called me to do. I love my students and it is an honor to be a part of their every day lives.

So many changes in my life these days. I’m learning a lot about myself. The mistakes I’ve made. The masks I’ve warn. The pain I’ve stuffed. The secrets I’ve kept. All of my students deal with these issues too. It has been my hope to help them live authentically as I try to do the same.

I listened to Brene Brown the other day and she reminded me that empathy will help kill shame. I’ve carried a lot of shame in my life. And those people who chose to be empathic and not judgmental have made the most impact on my healing journey. So I try to live an empathic life toward my students and toward those who come to me with their pain.

I’ve read the most amazing books in this season of my life, now that I have time to read for myself instead of text books. I hope to begin to blog about the books and how they have impacted me in this season of my life.

I hope you will join me on the journey to wholeness as we each move toward a life that is honorable. Even if our past is full of less than honorable seasons, God sees us as honorable and loves us anyway.

I want to be that kind of person toward everyone in my life. Even those who judge me or who have hurt me. What good is to to live otherwise?

Peace is my word for 2019. Let’s all seek peace with those who cross our paths. Even if we don’t agree with their opinion. Even if they aren’t that nice to us. But let it not be peace at any price. Let it be peace that comes from knowing who we are in Christ and not allowing anyone to treat us any differently than like the daughter of a KING.

May the peace of Christ be in your heart, soul, and mind every single day.


Writing as an Act of Courage Wed, 19 Apr 2017 19:55:37 +0000 This blog post was originally posted on Seriously Write on 3/17/17.
Greetings Writing Friend,
I have not met a writer yet who didn’t say it took courage to put pen to paper and tell their story. After all, it is scary to wonder what your critique partners or best friends or potential readers will say about the piece of writing you share.

“If we had to say what writing is, we would have to define it essentially as an act of courage.” Cynthia Ozick

I remember creating a children’s book for my high school freshman English class. This teacher, Mr. Crnich, loved the red pen and always gave feedback on my work. I had a lot of fun writing my story of a sweet little bunny who permanently scarred his bunny ear when a rose thorn poked a hole in it. He had to learn to live with looking different. I loved my little story and it took great courage to turn it in. Especially because I don’t consider myself an artist and I illustrated it myself.
Had we not had that assignment, I may never have thought of myself as a storyteller. But the encouragement from Mr. Crnich gave me the courage to see myself as a writer. defines courage as “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
I often think of the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz when I think about overcoming courage to write one of my stories. Cowardly Lion
What did he do to gain the courage to approach The Wizard?

  1. He admitted he was scared.
  2. He surrounded himself with encouraging people.
  3. He used positive self-talk.
  4. He was afraid, but he did it anyway.

When I was writing my first book, Caregiver’s Devotions to Go, I was afraid. Did I really have thirty stories to tell? Would the editor like them? Would anyone read my book?
Here is what I did to get through to the end.

  1. I admitted I was scared. I asked for prayer to help with my fear.
  2. I met weekly with my friend and mentor, Cheryl Penn, and we talked about devotional ideas. I read her the stories and she helped me polish the prose.
  3. I reminded myself that my stories matter and sharing them would help others.
  4. When I wanted to quit, I pressed on and wrote anyway.

Just today, I received a note in the mail from a reader.
Caregivers Devotions

Dear Gigi:
I love your book, Caregiver’s Devotional to Go: The Women’s Devotions to Go Series
Please send me one more. I hope this money is enough. I saw you at Philipsburg, Montana where I bought three at the After Five group. My mom, Frances Glynn, Carol Bowen and I all love the book.
It’s the best spiritual book I’ve ever read and I’ve never been much of a reader. Carol has read it several times. 
I don’t have internet so that is why I’m writing you.
With Love, Thank you, Sandra R. Matesich.

If you are looking for courage in your writing, let me know and I will pray with you. I’d like to suggest a book that might help. It is called. The Courage to Write [How Writers Transcend Fear] by Ralph Keyes – author of The Writer’s Book of Hope.
May God Bless you with the courage to write that next sentence.
Bless you
Gigi Devine Murfitt

A Tribute to Rod Halvorson Mon, 27 Feb 2017 00:44:09 +0000 This month has caused me to take a deep breath and reflect on my life. We buried a very good friend who had a positive influence on our family for the past twenty-four years.
My husband, Steve, met Rod and his twin brother, Randy at an athletic supply store in 1992. They entered the store in their huge six-hundred-pound wheelchairs in search of softball uniforms for the women’s team they coached.
We had just received our then two-year-old son Gabe’s wheelchair. There was an instant connection about the dealing with disability. But that connection became so much more than a commonality about wheelchairs.
A few weeks later as we were loading Gabe’s chair in our van, a big red van pulled into our church parking lot. Rod and Randy rolled out.
We discovered another connection in that we all attended the same church. Our faith in Jesus drew us even closer. We shared Bible study with Rod and Randy for many years.
Our family has spent a lot of time with Rod, Randy and the whole amazing Halvorson family.
Rod HalvorsonWe learned there is a way when there seems to be no way. It may just look differently than expected.
We learned how to make the best of the situation we were given.
We have HOPE because we watched Rod and Randy live a full life even when day by day they lost more function in their body.
Rod lived most of his life with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and it was liver cancer that took him home.
But, we believe that Rod is home with Jesus in a brand new body. And I know Steve and our boys can’t wait to have a slam dunk contest when we all meet him there.
Steve and Rod Dec 2016

Steve and Rod December 2016

We are so grateful for the friendship of the Halvorson family and the lessons we have learned along the way.
Today, when you think about complaining. DON’T!
How about starting this week with an attitude of gratitude instead.
I think you’ll find that gratitude takes you much further than complaining ever will. I am grateful Rod Halvorson taught me that lesson.
My challenge to you this week – What are you grateful for?
Blessings on your week,
My Gratitude Journal is a wonderful way to track those gratitude thoughts each day. It is available on Amazon or at

HOPE Found a Way Wed, 21 Dec 2016 20:30:07 +0000 Hi Friend,
This season can be crazy at times. Although there is much joy in seeing friends and family, for some, this is a difficult season.
The news around the world brings little hope for peace.
The crazy weather brings little hope for warmth and safety.
However you feel today, I want to bring you a little HOPE.
Our nonprofit organization is Gabriel’s Foundation of HOPE. For the past nine years since we started our 501(c)3, I have collected HOPE ornaments.
Today I’ll share some photos of my new HOPE tree.
I had so many ornaments that the tree I had last year fell over. I’ve been looking for the perfect tree for my office where I can share my HOPE ornaments year round.
I found just the tree and I am delighted with how it carries these meaningful ornaments.
Hope Tree 2016

HOPE Tree 2016

HOPE has been a theme in my heart these days as I’ve been reading one of my favorite books by Ron Mehl titled Love Found a Way. It was written in 1999 as a collection of Christmas stories. I love to read it each year. Pastor Ron died in 2003 after a long battle with leukemia, but his books will speak his message for many years.
He reminded me that HOPE is a Christmas word because Christ came to bring us HOPE.
We think of the word in many different ways.
My granddaughter Avery hopes she gets a volcano for Christmas.
As many people travel, they hope for safe flights and clear roads.
Young moms hope for some sleep.
The unemployed hope for a job.
As school wound down last week, teachers told students they hoped they would have a great vacation.
But I think the HOPE that Jesus brought isn’t such a watered down version of that wonderful word.
I love how Ron Mehl puts it in his Love Finds a Way book,

“No, the Bible’s brand of hope is very different. This is hope shot through with confidence. This is hope so muscular it can pull you out of a deep pit. This is hope so powerful it can anchor your life–keeping you secure in the highest waves and strongest storms. This is hope stronger than death–a hope upon which you’d state your life…and your eternity.”

Why is this hope so strong? It is because of the object of our hope. This isn’t hoped just for hope’s sake. It is hope fixed on the Almighty Lord who loves each of us as his own precious child.

Hope Ornaments 2016

Hope Ornaments 2016

Hope is what connects us to God and to heaven.
Hope tells us that no matter our situation, we can rest in the hands of a sovereign God who loves us very much.
More HOPE Ornaments 2016

More HOPE Ornaments 2016

I love how David puts it in Psalm 62:5-6

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. he alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.”

Maybe today you are not feeling so hopeful. It is my prayer that you will find the hope that found a way to completely change my life.
In my next blog post, I’ll be sharing some of the reasons I put my HOPE in Him.
Until then, be blessed knowing I think of you and pray for you often.
My books are available at You can use the code HOPE to get a $5 discount off the $14.95 price of my FAITH, HOPE, LOVE journals.

My Family Got Jingled Thu, 08 Dec 2016 22:55:10 +0000 Hello, Friend!
I was reflecting on the giving tree at our church and smiling to think of the families who will get a gift for Christmas because of someone else’s giving heart.
It always brings me back to the story of the blessing my family received the year my dad died. That was fifty-one years ago and the gift keeps on giving in the hearts of our family members.
I share this with you to bless you as you prepare for this Christmas season. The article was on the front page of the Montana Standard and the Anaconda Leader in 2006, my Mom’s last Christmas on earth. What a blessing it was for me to give her the memory of that story when her memory was fading day by day because of dementia.
Story lives. Story gives.

A Devine Christmas Thank You

Thanks to a loving community, the harsh reality of cancer was forgotten for our family during Christmas 1965.
Over Thanksgiving weekend, lung cancer had stolen away our beloved dad, Bob Devine. Mom’s first words after he died were “Now what are we going to do?” With medical bills exceeding $10,000 and a bank account wiped out, she feared the worst.
At age 44, although she had overcome the challenges of a high school injury that left her crippled, Mom had no idea how to deal with the reality of her life as a widow with 10 children. The situation looked grim as Christmas day closed in.
My teenage siblings pitched in to make the season feel somewhat normal. They cut down a fresh tree and dragged the boxes of decorations from the basement.
Dad loved to watch his 10 children scramble for their favorite ornament and carefully place it on the branches of the evergreen. Jim and Jack, the 15-year-old twins, lifted 4-year-old Patti on their shoulders placing the angel on top of the 10-foot pine, something Dad used to do. Christmas would be different without him, but this one would be remembered for the rest of our lives.
Imagine the mystery and surprise when each day Christmas angels emptied their pocketbooks to fill a deep void left in our hearts. They filled our front and back porches with Christmas love. There were sacks of potatoes, bags of flour and sugar, apples and oranges, boxes of cereal, turkeys, hams and roasts. One egg carton arrived with a $100 bill tucked neatly inside. Wrapped gift boxes marked “boy” or “girl” were quickly hidden to save the Christmas morning surprise for the kids who still believed in Santa.
Although she claimed not to believe in Santa, 13-year-old Kathy was forced to say “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus,” as she watched us trip over the packages on Christmas morning. Yet, Santa was not a singular noun, like our English teacher mom had taught us. Santa was an entire community, dear sweet Anaconda.
We were overwhelmed by clothes and coats; a train, a race car set; Monopoly and Mouse Trap games, dolls with beautiful dresses, ice skates, sleds and skis. The most overwhelming thing was the look on mom’s face as she watched her cherished 10 squeal with delight at the surprises.
Mom would not have been able to buy any toys this year, just a month after losing dad. At a time when her future was uncertain and worry caused sleepless nights, loving friends and strangers gave her something to smile about.
To this day, we do not know the names of the Christmas angels who blessed us in 1965. No one ever came forward to take credit. God knows who was responsible for this incredible blessing that lives on in our hearts.
This gift of love has motivated me to help needy families in my community. One year we witnessed the excited smiles as we delivered food and wrapped gifts to a Romanian family with 13 children. Christmas 1965 came alive in my heart that day.
Severe dementia has stolen mom’s ability to tell this story herself, but for years it was a favorite told to her family. As she lives her remaining years in a nursing home, I am telling the story for her.
May the blessing of Christmas live long in your hearts as you choose to pass it on to those in need. The impact you had on our family will never be forgotten.
Thank you, Anaconda.
— Gigi Devine Murfitt is a freelance writer living in Woodinville, Wash., with her husband, Steve, and sons, Zane and Gabe. She and her husband have recently established Gabriel’s Foundation of Hope, a non-profit organization serving families who deal with a disabled family member.

gift-1760869It IS better to give than to receive.
And it is so much fun to watch others receive that unexpected surprise.
I share with you a video I found on YouTube of what JCPenney did to several random customers to make their Christmas special. They gave the opportunity for customers to give and for others to receive.

My hope is to inspire you to give. If you’d like to help our church with the Giving Tree, click the link and find out more.
Bless you with a giving heart.

A Time and a Season Mon, 24 Oct 2016 03:37:55 +0000 Hi Friend!
I hope this finds you enjoying the beautiful changes of this season. I love God’s handiwork in painting the landscapes I’ve seen this week as I travel.
In the past month, God has orchestrated many changes in my life too.
In early September, our youngest son, Gabe, flew the coop and moved about two hours south of us. We moved him into his own apartment in Onalaska, WA. Now he is closer to Ryanne, his girlfriend (now fiancé) of three years. They were engaged on September 20, 2016 and are busy planning a September 2017 wedding.
Now we are truly empty nesters.
We have so many memories in this home as we watched our sons grow. Gabe’s room looks so empty. I must be brave every time I walk past it. I know that soon new memories will be made in that space. But I choose not to focus on the hard part of this change.
Life is like that cycle of fall. Some things have to die to allow new growth.
Because of another precious change that happened this month, that empty room will fill with grandchild chuckles as Avery and Ellison spend overnighters with Nana and Papa. And when she is old enough, our newest granddaughter, Marlowe June, born September 22nd to our son, Zane and his beautiful wife, Kelsey will join in the overnighter fun. She is beautiful. I already have a crib ready for when she wants to visit.
As part of a big layoff at D+H, where I’ve worked the past seventeen years, September 30th was my last day.  I am on a new journey that requires bravery.
The blessing in all of this is I finally have time! Not that I have any more hours in a day than I did before, but now I have more freedom to choose how I spend that time.

  • Time to spend with my grandchildren.
  • Time to write that Bible Study I’ve been thinking about for about ten years.
  • Time to finish my novel I started two years ago.
  • Time to create more journals to help people document the events of their life.
  • Time to blog more often.
  • Time to travel with Gabe and be free to relax rather than work while on the road.
  • Time to prioritize my health. I’m walking again and I plan to get back in shape.
  • Time to seek God’s best plan for my life.

There is a time and a purpose for every season of our life. This is very exciting even though I’ve never been this way before. I trust that God will show me the purpose in every change I face.

The God-Given Task

What gain has the worker from his toil? 10 I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. 12 I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; 13 also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.
14 I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him. 15 That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.

I trust God. He knows the days ahead of me. I trust one day at a time. And I’m trying NOT to fill my days with busyness.
He knows the days ahead for you too, beloved. I pray you will trust Him for direction in those days.
Have a blessed week. Let’s trust together! Please comment if you’d like me to pray for a specific change you are going through. It is always my pleasure to pray.

A Million Miles in A Thousand Years Tue, 20 Sep 2016 05:28:28 +0000 Hello Friend!
I hope you have had a fun summer.
I had a great summer and I’m sad to see it end. It is hard to believe we are nearing the end as fall begins in just a few days.
Over the summer, I made a list of books recommended by Michael Hyatt and started reading. The first book I picked up was Donald Miller’s, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story
Where was I when this book was published in 2011? Somehow I missed this gem until now.
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years is a book about taking action to edit the scenes in our life stories. Donald Miller found himself in a funk after writing several books including his best seller, Blue Like Jazz .
As he created a screen-play for Blue Like Jazz, Miller was challenged to look at the structure of his own story and decided to make some changes in his life.
This book includes many personal stories from Donald Miller’s life as he made the choice to live differently. He got off the couch and started riding his bike. It wasn’t a ride down the street, but a ride across America raising money for water wells in Africa.
He rode miles with friends in kayaks and unexpectedly met Bob Goff (author of Love Does – Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World.) Donald and his friends spent eight hours with the Goff’s in a life changing experience of irresistible love.
One touching story relates to his struggle to decide whether to contact his father who abandoned him when he was young. He shares the real ebbs and flows of choosing to do the difficult things that might just change the trajectory of our lives.
As an author, I also related to this book because the elements of story are used to help Miller look at scenes from his life and determine to make some changes. I enjoyed his reference to story structure.
I was definitely challenged by this book to take a look at the story of my own life.  Am I living he story I want to live? I want to put myself in more situations that require me to get out of my comfort zone.
The timing of this book coming to my attention was perfect. Last week we moved our son Gabe to his own apartment two hours away. And he took his service dog Ruth with him. The house is so quiet. A new chapter of my story begins.
This Thursday I will get to meet my new granddaughter who will join Avery and Ellison. I can hardly wait for this exciting part of the story.
In two weeks I will finish my seventeen year stint working at D+H (originally EZTeller, then Harland Financial Solutions, then purchased by D+H.) I will be laid off on October 1, 2016 as a part of a reorganization of our company. I will miss the people who were part of that story but I’m excited to swee what’s next.
Some of my life adventures are completely out of my control but I’m sure they will bring a spark into the new season ahead of me.
Steve and I are on a new adventure of living in an empty next. I hope to write and speak more. I want to spend more time with my grandchildren. I’d like to travel and enjoy the beauty of God’s country. I hope to go on a mission trip.
What bucket list items are you ready to check off?
Is there something about your life your’d like to edit?
I pray for you as God directs your path for whatever is around the corner. I know I’m listening closely for directions and I know it will be a great adventure!
Bless you friend as you edit the story of your life. Make it beautiful!

One Strand Marketplace Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:27:51 +0000 Hello Friend!
I’m excited to be a part of One Strand Marketplace in Snohomish, WA on Saturday, April 30, 2016.
Here’s the scoop:

Shop over 60 Crafters and Etsy artists. Enjoy the cafe with signature sandwiches, the coffee bar, and specialty food items. Listen to live music, meet authors and find a new book. Experience organic beauty products and services. Be sure to get your tickets for the “Inspirational Night Out” immediately following the Marketplace.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Cafe 11am-4pm
Marketplace 11am-6:30pm
I’m especially excited for you to see my newest Journal the Journey book – LOVE Journal & Coloring Book. I’ll also have the HOPE Journal & Coloring book as well as my Caregiver’s Devotional at the signing table.
LOVE Journal & Coloring Book - Available in 8 x 10 Perfect Bound or 6 x 9 Spiral Bound

LOVE Journal & Coloring Book – Available in 8 x 10 Perfect Bound or 6 x 9 Spiral Bound

The venue is amazing! Come just to see all of the antiques! This event center is a great place for any event. I fell in love with it’s old world charm as I walked through it the other night.
Venue Details: 1011 2nd Street  Snohomish, WA 98290  
I will be signing books from 12-1 as a featured author. How fun is that?

I'll be right there in front of that TV at a table signing books.

I’ll be right there in front of that TV at a table signing books.

In the evening we will have music and sharing from my friend Cheryl Door with the debut of her book, Jesus Send the Rain.
I hope you will join for some fun. Come for a little while or stay all day. It’s free up through the evening which will be wonderful too.

Come to an
Inspirational Night Out
Jesus Send the Rain
Register soon! Seating is limited
Decadant Desserts
Guest Speaker and Guest Vocalist
Saturday, April 30th 2016
Meet, mingle and get coffee:
Guest vocalist and guest speaker:
Come early to shop the
craft marketplace
Tickets for the evening only…$18


Easter is full of HOPE and LOVE Mon, 28 Mar 2016 14:43:10 +0000 Easter Blessings of HOPE and LOVE sent your way!

Photo Courtesty of

There is nothing like the giggle of my granddaughter as she hunts for hidden plastic eggs throughout our home. In Seattle, sometimes the egg hunts don’t make it outside. Yesterday was one of those days because of the rain.
But we all had a great time despite the rainy weather.
Avery excitedly searched in every room to find the many eggs hidden earlier in the day. She opened each egg carefully to see the surprise inside.
These are the lessons we can teach our children and grandchildren as they open each egg:
When the egg is empty, it is a reminder of the empty tomb, and the resurrection life we receive because of Easter.
When the egg is filled with candy, it reminds us that God is the giver of good gifts, the best gift given to us on Easter – life everlasting.
When the egg has a coin in it, we are reminded that God is our provider. He knows our needs and provides the way to meet them. (And Disneyland is one quarter closer!)
Three Eggs
Yes, Easter is so much more than egg hunts, bunnies, candy and gifts. It is about the gift of life everafter given to each of us as we trust in the One and Only, Jesus Christ.
Not because we did anything to earn this gift, but just because he Loves us. It is about HOPE and LOVE for today and tomorrow.
It was a doubly special day for my family because we also celebrated our oldest son, Zane’s, birthday. He is another reminder of God’s good gifts. I am beyond blessed to be his mom.
Birthday Blessings
On this Easter Monday, my heart is full of HOPE and LOVE. I hope yours is too.
My prayer for you, dear friend, is that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can HOPE in God’s LOVE for all of your todays and tomorrows. He loves you more than you know.
I do too!
Be Blessed.
