Hi. Welcome to my blog. This is my first entry.
Since I’ve kept a journal for over 35 years I think this blogging thing is right up my alley. I generally like to write with a pen in hand. There is just something about seeing the words appear on the paper as I write. It flows freely from my thoughts to my hand. I have stacks and stacks of journals where I’ve penned my thoughts over the years.
Blogging on the computer will likely flow just as easily since I’m a writer. I type rather quickly so I can get my thoughts down probably more quickly on the computer than in my journal. I hope this becomes a place where I share my thoughts about life, writing, speaking. You name it.
Most of all I hope the readers of my blog walk away encouraged. I love being an encourager. So stop back from time to time for a note of encouragement.
My First Blog Post!
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