Ask in My Name

by Gigi

Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24

 What are you asking of God? Are you asking it in Jesus name?
I know thousands of us are asking God for a miracle healing for Cashy Michael Hyde who is in SLC Children’s Hospital for treatment of a brain tumor. This little guy isn’t even two years old yet. The fan page on Facebook is growing daily and the fervent prayers are written there by people who know him well and people who are only there because God put it on their heart to pray.
I ask, in Jesus name, for healing for Cashy and for peace for his entire family. I ask in Jesus name because it is the name above all names. It is the name that will be spoken when every knee bows and every tongue confesses that He is Lord. I ask in Jesus name because there is no name more powerful.

My prayer for you, my blog friend, is that you will pray in His powerful name for the issues in your life today.
I hope you will seek Him daily, moment by moment, for all of your needs. Not just when a crisis arises.
Don’t make him a vending machine God that you only come to when you have a dire need and you plug in a prayer or two and wait for whatever falls.
He created you for relationship. He loves you with an everlasting love. He knows the number of hairs on your head. All the days of your life were written by Him before one of them came to be. He tells us all of this in the Bible.
You were created to do a mighty work for the Kingdom of God right here and right now.
He doesn’t want you to sit on the sidelines and watch. He’s asking you to put on the full armor of God and get in the game.
As you seek Him for everything and pray without ceasing, soon you’ll experience His grace and there will be an outward manifestation of His Power in your life.
I weep for you today. I’m not sure why, but the tears flow as I pray and ask for God’s touch in your life. I give my tears to the one who collects them. I give them to the one who will one day wipe away every tear. I give them to Jesus.
I hope you will email me or post a comment if you need me to join you in prayer for anything going on in your life today.
God Bless your heart in Jesus mighty and powerful name.
The theme for this blog post is taken from the May 26 entry in God Calling by AJ Russell.
Today, Wednesday, May 26, 2010 I send extra prayers out to wish my niece Meghan Goodheart a very Happy Birthday.

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