Embrace Hope

by Gigi

I woke up this morning at 3:30.  The words “embrace transition”, “embrace change” and “embrace hope” kept rolling around my head. 
As I think about the story of my life, God continues to remind me that I must embrace the changes that come my way.  I must remember that God does indeed work all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
I am a writer because I want to share the hope I found in the many transitions of my life.  The stories of the lives God has allowed me to touch keep me writing and sharing the testimony.  I want my writing to touch the wounded hearts of my reader and bring them to a place of hope and peace.
We need to hang on to hope.  America is in transition.  Many of us are facing new challenges.  But I want to assure you – There IS hope.
When I was a young seven year old, my dad died of cancer and suddenly I was called fatherless.  But God reminded me that He is my Father.  My hope in God the Father has sustained me through many transitions.
In fifth grade we moved from our tiny little three bedroom, one bath home to a spacious four bedroom, two bathroom home with a covered porch and a climbing tree in the back yard.   This transition was fun because all ten of us felt like we lived in a mansion.  We no longer had to cram seven kids in one bedroom.  We finally had a shower.  My hope in God the Provider has kept me in peace  in difficult times.  He always provides.  It might look different than I expected, but He always provides.
My heart was broken many times in my life because of the death of family and friends.  I attended too many funerals before I went to college.  I also experienced the death of relationships that meant a lot to me.  My hope in God the healer of broken hearts is always very real.  It still is very real.  I often embrace that hope.
When I felt like a failure because my first marriage lasted only six months, my hope in the Redeemer carried me through some very trying years wrought with poor decisions and difficult consequences.  He never left my side.  Hope was only a prayer away.
My youngest son Gabriel surprised us all when he was born with an unusually formed body.  I hung on to hope with a death grip as I saw my future with uncertain eyes.  God never left my side during these years, even though I tried desperately to do things my way.   After Gabe was born I spent two years of striving at work and at home before God really got my attention.  I finally surrendered everything to Him.  Hope sustained me all these years as we have walked through the challenges of raising a son with a disability.
Oh I still try to do things my way every now and again.  But each day I’m reminded of the hope that has carried me through the years.  When I seek direction from the Word of God and pray for His instruction,  I never doubt that He will lead me where He wants me to go.  I just need to embrace that hope and follow his direction.  Detours are no fun!
I am in another major transition in my life.  Gabe is now living in the dorm and doing very well at the University.  Zane will graduate from WSU in May and marry his sweetheart, Kelsey in June.  Our transition to the empty nest has been challenging because I’m no longer needed as much by my precious boys.  But it is also very good. 
I enjoy my time with Steven more than ever before.  We actually have time to talk about our hopes and plan for our dreams.  He is a lot of fun and we are growing closer every day.
Embrace Hope.  I like the sound of that.  I know God will give me the grace to maneuver each curve in the road.  He’s already proven to be a good guide over the last fifty years of seeking His will.  I’m the one who drives off the road and into the ditch when I keep my eyes off Him.  But there he is to pick me up, brush me off, and set me back on track.  I love that about Jesus.
I pray you will embrace hope for whatever is going on in your life.  I opened my Bible to Psalm 119 this morning and God spoke to me in the entire chapter.  But these two verses have been resonating in my heart all day long.

49 Remember your word to your servant,
       for you have given me hope.

 50 My comfort in my suffering is this:
       Your promise preserves my life.

Yes, there is hope.  I pray you embrace it today.  God Bless Your Heart!  

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