My job allows me to work from home so I didn’t skip a beat.
While house bound, I was also able to take care of some final work on Gabe’s book.
I am happy to say it is finished! And I hope that is the final word.
Last night I uploaded a few minor changes to my publisher’s website.
The next step is to agree on the back cover. Then it is off to the printer!
During the week, I also had plenty of time to format the e-book and upload it to Kindle and NOOK.
It wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I learned a lot and I’ll share what I learned in a future blog. I sent the ebook to a couple of reviewers and so far everything looks good.
I get so nervous when I picture you reading Gabe’s book. It tells a wonderful story of courage and hope but it was an emotional process to tell it all.
I want you to fall in love with Gabe. He is one incredible young man! I cry every time I read it.
We really appreciate your patience and support in this long process of getting the book published.
I guess when the authors share the entire journey, the readers get a better feel for how long it really takes to get a book from the idea to print.
For me and Gabe, this has been almost a six year process!
So you understand I’m like a pregnant mom just weeks from her due date, anxiously waiting to see her baby.
It is hard to wait and wonder, isn’t it?
I don’t know what you are waiting for.
But I want to encourage you that God sees you while you wait. He knows the desires of your heart.
Just like we waited for snow plows this week to move the deep snow out of our path, God is moving obstacles to make your way clear.
He knows the perfect time to say, “It’s time to move forward.”
I pray for peace and patience in the process.
God Bless Your waiting heart. Please tell me what you are waiting for so I can pray for you.
PS – When I get the go-ahead from the publisher I want you to be the first to know. So I set up an email list for people who want to hear it from me first. If you’d like to receive an email when the book is released, please sign up below by entering your email address.
Happy Monday to you, my friend.
I hope you are faring well and are staying warm.
In spite of the epic storm that hit the Seattle region this week, I stayed warm and comfy.
I hope you did too.
My job allows me to work from home so I didn’t skip a beat.
While house bound, I was also able to take care of some final work on Gabe’s book.
I am happy to say it is finished! And I hope that is the final word.
Last night I uploaded a few minor changes to my publisher’s website.
The next step is to agree on the back cover. Then it is off to the printer!
During the week, I also had plenty of time to format the e-book and upload it to Kindle and NOOK.
It wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I learned a lot and I’ll share what I learned in a future blog. I sent the ebook to a couple of reviewers and so far everything looks good.
I get so nervous when I picture you reading Gabe’s book. It tells a wonderful story of courage and hope but it was an emotional process to tell it all.
I want you to fall in love with Gabe. He is one incredible young man! I cry every time I read it.
We really appreciate your patience and support in this long process of getting the book published.
I guess when the authors share the entire journey, the readers get a better feel for how long it really takes to get a book from the idea to print.
For me and Gabe, this has been almost a six year process!
So you understand I’m like a pregnant mom just weeks from her due date, anxiously waiting to see her baby.
It is hard to wait and wonder, isn’t it?
I don’t know what you are waiting for.
But I want to encourage you that God sees you while you wait. He knows the desires of your heart.
Just like we waited for snow plows this week to move the deep snow out of our path, God is moving obstacles to make your way clear.
He knows the perfect time to say, “It’s time to move forward.”
I pray for peace and patience in the process.
God Bless Your waiting heart. Please tell me what you are waiting for so I can pray for you.
PS – When I get the go-ahead from the publisher I want you to be the first to know. So I set up an email list for people who want to hear it from me first. If you’d like to receive an email when the book is released, please sign up below by entering your email address.
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