Bless you, my friend!
I can’t believe it’s been more than a month since I added a note here.
It’s good to be back. I’ve missed you.
I can’t believe next Wednesday, February 13th, is Ash Wednesday.
This day, on the traditional liturgical calendar begins the forty-day count down to Easter.
The purpose of this season is to reflect on the forty days Jesus fasted in the wilderness before He began His public ministry.
I’ve always viewed it as a time of reflection and preparation as I give my time to others.
A season of examining one’s heart and spending time with the Lord in confession and repentance.
I love this season.
Not only for the focus on Jesus preparation for the cross, but also because it is spring time.
The gray of the winter gives way to bluer skies and greener grass.
The birds come home to build their nests.
The leaves sprout and the early flowers bloom.
This year, I’m especially looking forward to spring, Easter and new beginnings.
It’s been a long hard winter of my soul. How about you? Are you ready for spring too?
I write encouragement to others as a way to lift my spirits when I feel down in the dumps. I hope you’ll try it!
This week I’m asking God to help me create my Lenten Love Letter List.
This is a list of people God puts on my heart during the days leading up to Easter. I simply pray and ask God, “Who needs a kind word of encouragement today?”
It has been amazing to see how it all works out.
Will you join me this year in a focused period of writing encouragement to people who cross your path?
Let’s do this together as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
I can see the ripple of encouragement that will send waves across the world.
Are you in?
Leave me a note in the comments and together we will celebrate the power of a kind word.
God bless your heart with encouragement.
PS – I’m praying that God will let me know if its YOU who needs the encouragement.
Lent – A Season of Preparing Your Heart for Easter
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