I’ve been challenged to write a blog every day during the month of October.
It’s called NaBloPoMo
No that isn’t a trecky new language – but it stands for National Blog Posting Month
It is similar to NaNoWriMo which stands for National Novel Writing Month. That happens every November in the novel writing world. Some day I will participate in NaNoWriMo so I can get this novel out of my head and onto the page.
There are all sorts of groups and sites and prompts to keep us writers writing.
NaBloPoMo gets the blogger’s fingers dancing on the keyboard. It’s especially good for someone like me who gets too busy to blog. The challenge to meet the goal will keep me going.
Check it out! http://www.wikiwrimo.org/wiki/List_of_timed_artistic_challenges
During my own personal NaBloPoMo journey, I may not post every blog entry here at GigiMurfitt.com because I also maintain a blog for Gabriel’s Foundation of HOPE at www.GabesHOPE.org
So check out both to get the latest about what’s going on in my world.
I’m excited (and a little nervous) to be more active on my blog.
I hope you’ll meet me here for a chat or to be inspired as I write from the heart.
I’m thinking it may be as simple as posting a question to start a conversation.
It’s a new season.
It’s a new day.
So here is the question for October 1, 2013
What is your favorite thing about the fall season?
Please post your comment below.
Let me know if there are topics you’d like to see on my blog.
Here we go!
God Bless your heart
PS – Come back here tomorrow for my answer to the question!!
I’ve been challenged to write a blog every day during the month of October.
It’s called NaBloPoMo
No that isn’t a trecky new language – but it stands for National Blog Posting Month
It is similar to NaNoWriMo which stands for National Novel Writing Month. That happens every November in the novel writing world. Some day I will participate in NaNoWriMo so I can get this novel out of my head and onto the page.
There are all sorts of groups and sites and prompts to keep us writers writing.
NaBloPoMo gets the blogger’s fingers dancing on the keyboard. It’s especially good for someone like me who gets too busy to blog. The challenge to meet the goal will keep me going.
Check it out! http://www.wikiwrimo.org/wiki/List_of_timed_artistic_challenges
During my own personal NaBloPoMo journey, I may not post every blog entry here at GigiMurfitt.com because I also maintain a blog for Gabriel’s Foundation of HOPE at www.GabesHOPE.org
So check out both to get the latest about what’s going on in my world.
I’m excited (and a little nervous) to be more active on my blog.
I hope you’ll meet me here for a chat or to be inspired as I write from the heart.
I’m thinking it may be as simple as posting a question to start a conversation.
It’s a new season.
It’s a new day.
So here is the question for October 1, 2013
What is your favorite thing about the fall season?
Please post your comment below.
Let me know if there are topics you’d like to see on my blog.
Here we go!
God Bless your heart
PS – Come back here tomorrow for my answer to the question!!