Panning for precious stones is an exciting adventure.
My husband Steve grew up in Philipsburg, MT where sapphire mining is popular.
After rinsing the dirt off a bag of stones, the shiny sapphires are easier to see. In amongst the mud clods are precious jewels.
So it has been with the stories of my life. I have called these stories my Stones of Remembrance.
I mined these tales from years of journal entries.
Today I dusted off this manuscript and shared the introduction with a few writing friends.
Some of my stories are rough and pitted and not so pretty. Some are smooth and polished from being tossed in the tumbler of God’s mercy and grace.
I have been convinced for a long time, that I am to retrieve my stones of remembrance from the bottom of my river of life. I will build an altar to the One who has redeemed my history. This process has moved me to a place where my story will be used to help other women.
I’m excited to see what jewels I will uncover as I work on this project once again.
Come back to my blog and I’ll show you some of these precious stones. I hope you’ll show me some of yours too.
This is what I’ve come to know. In the midst of the storms of life, our God is unmovable, rock solid, unshakeable and strong.
God bless you as your own stories surface. Don’t be afraid to dig deep. You might even find some healing in the process.
God Bless your heart with rich stories to tell.
PS – So excited to create a new story which will begin in four days as Steve and I enjoy some time with my favorite author and friend, Karen Kingsbury. I’ll post photos!
Stones of Remembrance
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