Last month during an author’s training session I was struck by a comment Jean Ann Duckworth made when describing her One Person. This is the person you are writing to when you consider your audience. She said something like “Every day that I don’t write is one more night she lays in bed and cries because she needs to hear what I have to say so she doesn’t feel alone.”
This thought has been resonating in my head all month. There are so many hurting people who may need to hear our story. A few weeks ago at my home group we went around the room and shared what is going on in each of our lives. There is so much grieving and pain in this world that it can be overwhelming sometimes. But I have a secret – there IS hope!
So I write. I write in order to give hope to mom’s who have babies born with severe birth defects to tell them that there is hope in tomorrow.
I write in order to help people understand that even though these kids look different, they are really more like you than you think.
I write to share with moms of sons so we can learn from each other’s stories. I love to write about my two boys.
I write in order to share the things I’ve learned along the twenty-two year journey I’ve traveled as a mom.
I write to encourage others.
I write every day in my journal to document the happenings of my life because I cherish the 74 year old journal my mom wrote in when she was a teen. I learned so much about her from what she wrote. Now that she’s dancing in heaven I hear her voice in the written words. I miss her.
I write with the hope that the people who read my work will be blessed.
I can’t get that One Woman out of my mind. Who is she? Will I ever meet her face to face? I sure hope so.
She needs to know she is not alone in feeling forgiven for the stupid decisions she made in college.
She needs to know that the rocky times in her marriage will get better.
She needs to know that grace for the moment comes when we ask for it.
I write so I can help young teen women stay off the ugly detour I took in my youth.
Mostly, I write to point to the HOPE of Jesus.
Really, He’s the only answer. 🙂 So I write…
Why I Write
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